Minister Michael Ring
A clearly ebullient Minister Michael Ring launched Greenway Gifts in Doherty’s Pub, Mulrany on Midsummer’s Day, Friday21 st June. 2013 The tourism Minister expressed his delight at seeing a new business spring up on the back of one of the county’s most successful tourism ventures in recent years – the Great Western Greenway. Greenway Gifts is the only branded range of souvenirs directly connected with the Greenway.
Speaking directly to Angela Bourke (Grealis) founder of Greenway Gifts, Minister Ring said, “We admire you for your courage, commitment and will to set up a new and innovative business. It is people like yourself who will get this country out of this recession. ” He continued, “You saw a gap in the market and had the courage of your convictions to take the plunge and set up Greenway